Five-Seven Midnight Lily CSSv34+
15 431
08.02.2021 в 14:46
Hello everyone. Today i wanna share a custom skin called "Five seven Midnight lily" this skin designed by (AUG Midnight Lily pattern) , this model work in all css versions (V34+)
◙ Hologram effect in all versions ◙ Moto Gloves Boom! (BS) ◙ if this skin is too light for you , use <mat_hdr_level 0> on consol ~ ◙ Credits: AliEliteCrew (me) : Texture pattern compiler and port textures Kudi : CSS models Valve : Original models LeetL : make textures hologramic , (Special thanks to him ♥ ) hopefully you'r all enjoy this skin
♦ if you have any suggestion , idea about current work or maybe next works , comment below
♦ if you enjoyed my skin please press on like button ↓
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