
8 749 3 28.08.2020 в 14:40

The map (don't know the original) looks pretty good, but not perfect, might require a minor update or two to get there. Some lights, mostly near water tanks upstairs, are extremely aggressively brightly white in a way that doesn't seem intentional or fitting, might have to be toned down a little bit. And there is at least one spot with a broken, purple/black texture (left-side below the "Aquarium ⭐⭐⭐⭐" sign at the end of a hallway near middle, close to the wall-mounted sign saying "Reverend Guppy's Aquarium" and a security camera). Didn't see any other. Overview works, but nav file is missing, and consequently, so are place names. Didn't test gameplay.

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  1. avatar
    Славян   02:25, 29.08.2020
    На банане у меня стырил :D Карта будет обновлена если что)
    1. avatar
      nasyrin2019   02:37, 29.08.2020
      Ага=) Думал тут игрокам тоже будет интересно поглазеть) Мне понравилась)
      1. avatar
        Славян   14:42, 29.08.2020
        Я не стал выкладывать , так как фикс буду делать. Да , около аквариумов ярко