AK47 Asimov for css v34-86

28 249 0 05/20/2015, 19:57
You have a unique chance to try out the latest ak-47 css model with the hottest asim style coloring. You can download Ak-47 Asimov for css absolutely free of charge, without registration and from a convenient file sharing service. By installing this weapon model on your counter strike source, you can try out all its advantages, namely, realistic shooting sounds, world model (w_model) hd quality, eye-pleasing texture and good reload animations. The presented skin is quite popular, because in cs go it costs a lot of money, and has the highest quality coloring. Many model developers port this Kalashnikov assault rifle to almost any game (even gta has ak47 azims).
Installing this skin will take you no more than two minutes, and in return it will give you hours of unique and successful gameplay.
This cache was tested on css v84 (and higher) and pleased me with the absence of any errors.
Also works on css v34.

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