AK-47 • Inferno

10 913 0 09/19/2021, 12:42
And so, a new model from the "Inferno" mini-collection. In a similar style, I previously filled in the R8 model, there will someday be another model in a similar style. I really like this kind of drawing, as it is not stressful for the eye, soft, pleasant in color, interesting, bright and fresh. The somewhat futuristic vision of the model itself, as well as the fiery, bright idea of ​​the skin, look chic. The kit comes with the usual chips: fiery flash, smoke, normal, nice shine, custom hands.

• Inspection animation, original animations, cool position, CS GO sounds.
• Minimalistic skin, texture in 2k resolution and high quality, metallic sheen.
• We'll add smoke and a flash to the common jokes, and also made a normal one for the effect.
• The model is not adapted for all versions, since there is a ClientMod*
• Combat Arms installed.

• Port model - Daimon.
• Skin author - tanapta.
• Port skin, arms, shine & other - Baron Samadi.

< span style="color:mediumspringgreen">*Clientmod is a modified version of CSS V34 that will allow you to install new versions of models, new and full shaders, a lot of graphical and technical improvements, as well as constant updates.
Screenshots are compressed.
Enjoy your game!

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