Awp Hunter

7 900 1 02/05/2021, 20:44

This time I present a rather modest, but at the same time luxurious model of a lethal sniper rifle. We see on the texture the skillful carving of hunting grounds, paint, as well as a wooden base with metal inserts. The highest quality overall texture and restraint motivates you to carefully shoot your enemies. Happy hunting =)

•Inspection animation, original animations, comfortable position, CS GO sounds.
•Gorgeous and original skin, texture in 2k resolution and good quality, beautiful and pleasant shine.
•We'll add smoke and a flash to the common jokes, and also washed down the normal, for greater magnificence.
•The model is adapted for all versions.
•Demon Arms Oni installed.

•Port model - ?
•Skin author - Government (Glasgow died).
•Skin port,adaptation,normal- Baron Samadi.

A new and interesting game project for CSGO (clickable)

I'm interested in your opinion about this work.
Enjoy your game!

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    _205   17:36, 09/23/2023

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