AWP Mortis for CSS v34-91+

18 988 0 02/18/2018, 14:56

I am posting a brand new skin from Clutch Case, which has been installed on a high quality awp model for css v34. Meet AWP Mortis from CS:GO! The design of this sniper rifle is thought out to the smallest detail, plus the coloring fits well into the game. I want to note that Hand Wraps Slaughter gloves are attached to the weapon model, and also have a slight wear, namely "Field-Tested". The hands are from the dark-skinned terrorist from the de_dust2 map, which are unique.
Also, AWP has a mirror lens, which looks very realistic.
The weapon viewmodel (FOV) has been slightly changed, and adaptation for all Counter-Strike: Source versions has been set. I think nothing needs to be said about high-quality smoke and muzzle flash effects when shooting, everything is already shown in the video review! Download this AWP and enjoy the game!

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