G3SG1 Executioner [Gloves]

7 404 0 08/10/2017, 10:48

I made a beautiful g3sg1 from CS GO, for all CSS versions.
Inspection animation, comfortable position, beautiful skin, HD quality, CS GO sounds, sound alternation, adaptation for all CSS versions, Pirate Arms.
Port model-DESP313.
Skin author-CS GO(Valve)
Everything else is Saw.

Infa! As soon as we get 230 subscribers on the channel, I'll start a new CS GO MOD! More information in my VK group, pinned post. (indicated in the profile and channel).</span
If you like my work, put + in your turnip, don't be too lazy to put +. I try for you. If you are interested in my work, subscribe to the channel.
Screenshots are compressed!
Enjoy the rink!

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