Classic Knife | Doppler Pack

19 552 0 02/10/2021, 21:00

Now it's time for "Classic"< span style="font-size:16px;"> ​​of a knife that migrated to CS:GO from earlier versions of the game, presented in skins " Waves" ​​and "Gamma Waves" .

The textures are completely original, although they haven't been officially added to this knife yet.

Plus everything is a beautiful shine that fully reveals the essence of these skins, and in combination with «Sports gloves | Pandora's Box» ​​comes out a bright and rich combination for color lovers.

I also remind you that the site already has whole several packs with no less beautiful skins for this knife, which you can see on links below (clickable text):

>All Official Skins

>Case Hardened : Blue Gem

>Marble Fade

>Tiger Tooth

Version for v34

Good luck!

For Counter Strike: Source v90+ / Steam.

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