Falchion Knife?Case Hardened (CT, T hands)

6 649 0 01/16/2017, 00:23

Models - RedMond313,GizmoN51;
Texture port - ?•?_DR1FTER_97rus_?•?
New sounds!

There are 2 models in the archive:
1) Standard animation (v34/ v84+)(CT, T hands)
2) Rare knife balancing animation (v84+)(T hands) [Video review below?]

Hi everyone smile
I present to you the Falchion knife? Surface Hardening.
The knife has a rare "Blue Gem" pattern. In the world of CS:GO, it costs a lot of money.
The approximate cost of this option is 1,000 €!
If you like my work, then put a plus in your reputation :3
It's not difficult for you, I'm pleased smile

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