Riptide Knives | Lore for CS:S

49 005 0 11/20/2021, 15:43


By tradition, after a long time, I present to your attention the collection of "Lore" knives from the last added Riptide case.

Includes 5 knives, namely:
Bowie, Falchion, Butterfly Knife, Huntsman Knife and Shadow Daggers.

The choice of gloves fell on Hand Wraps Badlands, as they well complement all the knives presented on the site with their colors they were absent for a long time.

All textures, as always, are of the best quality and filled with good shine.

Also, all knives come with an inspection animation, and Falchion has two of them, which are played in turn!

Good luck!

by smash-cs team / Ferris4227

For Counter Strike: Source v91+ / Steam.

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