Shattered Web Knives Doppler Pack

52 061 0 06/14/2020, 12:00

I continue to torment the latest knives added to CS:GO. This time I'm ahead of Valve with all Wave and Gamma Wave skins. I think, sooner or later, these skins are guaranteed to appear on new knives in CSGO.

The pack consists of a total of 48 skins (to be precise, 47, I will add the missing Wave skin on the tramp knife later), namely all the phases of the Waves and Gamma- waves dressed with the most beautiful glitter and sports gloves Hedge. You can see everything in more detail in the video below, which is recommended to watch in 1080p.

Almost all knives in the pack, namelyNomad, Skeleton, Paracord and Survival, have a rare reach animation and also 2 examine animations each (except Survival knife)

Original content by Valve.
Port - Smash-cs Team

All skins are original .

Good luck!

For Counter Strike: Source v90+ / Steam.

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