Sawed Off TakTik [Gloves]

6 786 0 07/01/2017, 02:16
I'm uploading something beautiful for you at night.
I made an insanely beautiful sawed-off for all versions of CSS. Comfortable position, no inspection animation, sounds of CS GO, beautiful skin, adaptation for all versions of CSS, phoenix gloves, specialist hands, lighting (For I'm sorry, it came out like this).
Model port: KSIR
Don't forget about CS GO MOD, which will be released after 100 subscribers.
If you like my work, put + in the turnip, don't be too lazy to put +. I try for you. If you are interested in my work, subscribe to the channel.
Unfortunately, the screenshots had to be compressed quite a lot. I advise you to evaluate the weapon in all its glory in its counter!
Enjoy the rink!

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