StatTrak™ Nova Pack by Tsvetik:D

7 943 0 08/13/2016, 21:13 4 years, 4 years of work, 4 years of models, congratulations!!!

This pack includes 5 of 10 skins, namely:
StatTrak™ Nova Speed ​​Beast [$5.50]
StatTrak™ Nova Antique [3.50$]
StatTrak™ Nova Blossom Branch [15.00$]

StatTrak™ Nova Koi Carp [0.60$]
StatTrak™ Nova Forester [0.20$]
1) Skins - CS:GO.
2) Model - RedMond313.
3) StatTrak™ - RedMond313.
4) Hands T - RedMond313.
5) Tested on v88!!!

Pack created - Tsvetik:D []
If you liked this work, then be sure to write about it in the comments, and you can also increase your reputation, because I tried =)
Thank you for your attention!!!

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