M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle for CSS v92 / ClientMod

26 846 2 11/22/2022, 23:50

This M4A1-S was adapted from the "Ancient" collection and is present in a recently released CS:GO mod. After receiving a lot of feedback regarding strange bugs in the model, I decided to release a fixed version separately from the pack. The skin itself is made in HD quality, and has 4 cool iBUYPOWER Katowice 2014 holographic stickers. Sport Gloves Slingshot in original quality are used with this weapon.

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  1. avatar
    dexnitro   07:17, 12/23/2022
    map name?
  2. avatar
    Sonzyo   21:14, 10/14/2023
    Bro, Please can u make with out sticker this skin