M4A1-S Black Lotus

15 874 0 10/09/2021, 03:09

The calm has come to an end and it's time to please with something new. The recently released operation and collections were very disappointing, but there were also some good works. I present to you a new mku from the collection of skins in the style of the recently adopted USP-S. Minimalism, a soft and pleasant idea, an emphasis on the lotus and an overall unobtrusive atmosphere give a pleasant effect.

• Inspection animation, original animations, comfortable position, CS GO sounds.
• Skin collection, texture in 2k resolution and excellent quality, soft sheen.
• Let's write down the smoke and the flash for common jokes, the normal is not required here.
• The model is not adapted for all versions.
• Athletic Arms installed.

• Port model - Ninja & Kudi.
• Skin author - moonfighter - thank you <3 & Ariata | thank you.
• Port skin, arms, shine & other - Baron Samadi.

Screenshots are compressed.
Enjoy your game!

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