P250 | Construction Site [StatTrack+Moto Gloves]

5 176 0 07/14/2017, 18:04
In order to dilute the expectation of CS GO MOD, I'm uploading a stylish and beautiful p250 for all CSS versions.
Inspection animation, changed position, beautiful skin, excellent quality, CS GO sounds, StatTrack module, adaptation for all CSS versions, Moto gloves.
CS GO MOD coming soon!
Unfortunately, the screenshots had to be compressed quite a lot. I advise you to evaluate my p250 in all its glory in its counter!
Model port - Gizmon51
Percha-Thomson texture
The rest is me

If you like my work, put + in your turnip, don't be too lazy to put +. I try for you. If you are interested in my work, subscribe to the channel.
Enjoy the ice rink!

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