Bizon Big Iron for CSS

5 389 0 08/24/2016, 21:04
I am publishing an interesting HD skin for the bison model - "PP-19 Bizon Big Iron". The skin is taken from the steam workshop, and was made by the author of such beautiful works as: ssg08, m4a4 from the same collection. The texture of the weapon is well polished, and vaguely resembles the technology of the future.
The model itself is made by the author under the nickname RedMond. Its port
PP-19 Bizon is made taking into account all the updates in csgo (namely hd gloves and new sounds). By the way Bizon from csgo goes to the slot to replace P90.

Important: The first 2 variants of bison (with CT and T arms) work on V88, and the model with regular css arms works on all versions including V34.

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