Modular P90 Tactical for CSS v34-92+

14 461 2 10/13/2022, 18:09

Author - doomsentinel
Transferring the model to CS GO hands - x F R 3 N Z Y M O V x
Work on the hands and gloves shine - Farex
Work on the model shine- Farex
Animations fix - x F R 3 N Z Y M O V

Hand port - x F R 3 N Z Y M O V x
Model port - Hampta
Skybox author - Mr.who 
Broken Fang Gloves Unhinged - ✓
World model - ✓
The model is tested both in singleplayer mode and multiplayer mode.
If you really like this weapon model, you can rate it with the thank the author button.
Soon there will be more models uploads.

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  1. avatar
    Ali Elite Crew   21:34, 10/15/2022

    good job, send my regard to the all authors of this work, +rep

    1. avatar
        08:26, 10/16/2022

      Well, why not merge the orders they were made a long time ago and were gathering dust on the laptop ) And so people will be able to download and play, and thanks to the adaptation of Cudi, players will be able to play on 34 versions)