3-4 Add-on for CSGO Mod (Anarchist Hands,Handwraps Gloves)

8 716 0 10/06/2017, 19:43
I present to your attention 3-4 Supplement for CSGO Mod (Anarchist Hands,Handwraps Gloves)
Karambit (Anarchist Hands)
Karambit (Anarchist Hands+Handwraps Gloves)
M4A1-S (Anarchist Hands)
Authors of the Hidari model
Skin author CSGO (Valve)
These models work on v88-v89 on v34 do not go
Anyone who likes models for CSGO Moda, put + in the turnip and comment on this file to motivate you to make cool and awesome mods and skins.
There are also additional screenshots in the archive.
Here is the second review on the knife https://youtu.be/1f31F_bwfgM
Good luck everyone.

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