CS:GO Mod T Drive Hands [v34/v89+] [4 Gloves]

19 223 0 12/30/2017, 16:43
CS:GO Mod v34 and v89+ by Team Smash-cs.ru
Kudi, DESP313, Saw, , latarrito (Ariana <3), ferriscsspou, Gizmon51, KSIR and Kinko

This CS:GO Mod Include:
Glock, Usp-s, P250, Desert Deagle, Fiveseven, Tec-9, Revolver R8 (replaces Desert Deagle), Duals Elites (replaces Tec-9) and CZ75 (Replaces Five Seven)

*Nova (Remplaces Sawed off) Sawed Off and XM1014

*MP9, MAC-10, MP7, UMP45, P90 and PP-Bizon (Replaces P90)

*Galil, Famas, AK47, M4A1-S, M4A4 (replaces M4A1-S), Aug and Sig556

*AWP, SG008, G3SG1 and Scar-20

*M249 with animation and Negev

*Hutsman Knife, Karambit Knife, Bowie 4 Knifes with different animations, Default CT Knife, Default TT Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, M9 Bayonet Knife and Shadow Daggers Knife

*He Grenade, Flashbang Grenade and Smoke Grenade
*Bomb C4
*Hostages CS:GO
*Players CS:GO
*Radio Sounds, Footsteps Sounds and New Weapons Sounds
*Fixed Sounds and illumination bugs

Coming soon I will make a video of how to eliminate the brightness of the sun in weapons

Link Yandex Disk:https://yadi.sk/d/hIYLmVqC3R7SXB

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