Skin pack with Sport Gloves Vice/Nocts for CSS v91+

99 624 1 03/20/2023, 16:05

This pack contains 2 pairs of gloves (Vice and Nocts), agent sleeves of Cmdr. Frank 'Wet Sox' Baroud | SEAL Frogman. The inspection animation is missing only on the M9 Bayonet (for amateurs). The pack took about a month or a half, there is a new improved pearlecent on M4A1-S, Desert Eagle and USP-S, new stickers. Quality W models. And of course the new HUD by G9rman, and my animated background with an agent.
Authors: Kudi, G9rman, romero.
And of course all materials from Valve!

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    Top holpik   18:20, 06/19/2024

    а для чего agents.vpk