CSGO WEAPON mod Specialist Gloves | Fade

23 431 0 08/19/2020, 17:29
Hi all! Many waited, many asked where is the mod that I promised? Here's the mod you've been waiting for with fade spetsnaz gloves. Of course, I apologize for such a long absence, I just didn’t have time for it, but now I spent a little and did it to the end and I merge it with you. The mod includes beautiful gloves that I managed to make and skins suitable for Agent Ava's sleeves and gloves. ALL FILES USED FROM Valve! AND THEIR TRANSFER IN COPYRIGHT! Copyright: Port textures of hands, sleeves, gloves, skins - [Vlad Poliuk] [Ferris 4227] Port of models and animation - [Vlad Poliuk] - [Daimon] - [Ferris 4227] Weapon Model Sound Port - [Daimon] - [Ferris 4227] Glitter port and engine tuning - [Vlad Poliuk & Daimon] Setting the position of the hands - [Vlad Poliuk]

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