Inventory INSIDE (2 pairs of hands)

36 127 0 05/16/2020, 16:18
The assembly contains almost all the skins of such a YouTuber (as well as a streamer) "INSIDE"
The assembly contains the sleeves of FBI agents (gray) and SEAL TEAM 6.
All models are replaced (weapons without skins are the same as in CS :GO).
The assembly weighs a lot because of the extra sleeves.
Doesn't work on older versions!
Attached screenshots are made in CS:SOURCE.

Five Seven - Mackerel
USB - Meanders
AUG - Thunderstorm
SSG - Dead Heads
Glock-18 - Alien
AWP - Viper
AWP - Great Demon
M4A4 - Emperor
Desert Eagle - Flame < br /> SG553 - Danger Close
Dual Berettas - Ovens
MAC-10 - Neon Racer
AK-47 - Snow Whirl
Stiletto - Tiger Tooth
Butterfly - Tiger Tooth

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