Weapon Pack from mw3 for CSS92+

4 592 0 02/07/2025, 15:01

Authors: Stomatolog.x X, F, R, 3, N, Z, Y, M, O. V, x, Farex, Mr. Who, Valve.
Infinity Ward - Original assets.
余希望 - Original port for CS:S (https://gamebanana.com/mods/217487)
x F R 3 N Z Y M O V x - New materials/textures, various model fixes, port of L96A1/Remington MSR/SVD
Client - ムПРО100ИГРОКム
All weapon icons have been added to the purchase of the weapon for this mod.
Ported and adapted Yuri's hands from MW3 - x X F R 3 N Z Y M O V x.

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