CSGO All Gloves For CS Source

204 421 6 07/18/2023, 17:38

Hello everyone For a long time, while I didn't put anything on the site itself, I came up with a very good idea to make for this site and of course for those who are present on it on a regular basis or just run around on the site to see what's going on, I decided to make all the gloves from CS:GO for Counter-strike: Source. 
This pack includes all gloves from CS:GO Which are available in the game itself.
I will list the features of this pack of gloves from CS:GO.

All CS:GO gloves are available. All textures have a 2048x2048 resolution.
There are 6 types of wear for each glove.
There is a ready-made gloss. Ready-made textures for working in CSS.
There are 2 screenshots for each glove category. 
I managed to make this pack of gloves thanks to the people who will be listed below.
Only thanks to them you will be able to see this pack. on this site.

Stomatolog: This person was able to pull out all the textures in 2k resolution.
x X, F, R, 3, N, Z, Y, M, O. V, x: This person helped me with SMD models. the gloves themselves.
Farex: This person helped me with the VMT of the gloves themselves and, of course, the gloss.
Mr.Who: This person provided a map for screenshots.
Valve: Developer. 

In fact, that's all I wanted to tell you about the people who helped me create this CSS pack. Now, thanks to this large pack of gloves, you will be able to supply yourself with any gloves from CS GO
for CSS.

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  1. avatar
    Carrie   02:54, 03/28/2024
    look, https://smash-cs.ru/en/publ/cs_source/change_gloves_css_tutorial/1-1-0-43, error: Warning! An error was detected Unfortunately, this page is not available for you. Probably, its address has been changed, or it has been removed. Please use search. eso dice basicamente la pagina.
    1. avatar
        13:59, 04/06/2024

      The manual itself is only in Russian, it is not available in English

  2. avatar
    KrixHvter   04:48, 04/20/2024
    It's destroyed my hard-drive WTF seriously not kidding
  3. avatar
    catgamer188   08:58, 06/06/2024

    You should also add a models folder for each of the glove models
    It is quite annoying having to source glove models from other mods

  4. avatar
      16:15, 06/06/2024
    Quote: catgamer188

    You should also add a models folder for each of the glove models
    It is quite annoying having to source glove models from other mods

    I will not carry out any manipulations with this pack anymore. A person who understands how to change gloves is enough for him what is in the pack is the texture of gloves and the smd model of hands 
    You should always have the models folder when changing hands

  5. avatar
    rung   20:31, 08/31/2024

    Very beautiful gloves I don't know if everyone has done it or not. I have to change it in the .VMT file as well. For me I use it like this
    (I use glove_sporty) >> models\weapons\v_models\arms\glove_sporty << Good luck to everyone and get beautiful gloves that you like.