SG 553 Ancient Mechanism for CSS v34-92+

15 699 3 11/20/2022, 14:25

Author - G-99Factory
Animations/Weapon/Hands port - x F R 3 N Z Y M O V x
Model shine - ムПРО100ИГРОКム
Hands shine - Farex
Custom Broken Fang Gloves
Texture port - dan.actimell (DHE)
Original files - Valve
Skybox author - Mr.who
Works online and offline - ✓
World model - ✓
You can show your gratitude by clicking "Thanks".
Expect more new models on this site in the near future.

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  1. avatar
    ignacioportugal12   01:12, 01/10/2023

    Niiice boy! 😎

  2. avatar
    smurfhunter   17:14, 03/05/2023

    when i try to download it gives me some sort of unrelated setup.exe?

  3. avatar
      13:03, 03/06/2023
    Цитата: smurfhunter

    when i try to download it gives me some sort of unrelated setup.exe?
    Here's a link to yandex disk all models are packed in such archives as zip or rar