MP9 - Silencer | wild lily

18 081 1 07/06/2020, 16:25

A non-standard version of the MP9 submachine gun, which differs from the usual one by the presence of a silencer, which immediately resembles the predecessor from previous games in the Counter Strike series - the TMP submachine gun.

Also, the skin is complemented by a colorful Wild Lily skin, which is additionally applied with 4 Counter-Tech stickers from the Shattered Web set.

The model is made on the basis of MP9 from the hidden files of the game presented in the Mothhouse video. In addition, there is an animated rainbow StatTrak.

The model is only for new versions / v90+

But maybe in the future it will be for all versions.

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  1. avatar
    Rem Natsuki   02:07, 05/21/2023

    why there is no w_model (world model)....SUCH A WASTE FOR SKIN LIKE THIS