UMP-45 Mini-Pack (4-hands) by Tsvetik:D

8 229 0 07/31/2016, 12:39
Guys, there has been zero activity lately, because I'm trying, it's not so difficult to write thanks and put + in turnips, it's not difficult for you, but I'm pleased :)

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This minipack includes 4 UMP-45 skins, namely:
UMP-45 Primal Sabertooth (MRX_161_CReW)[16.50$] < br /> UMP-45 Grand Prix [0.30$]
UMP-45 Riot [0.30$]
UMP-45 Flame (Thomson) [$16.00]
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/> Explanations:
1) Skins - CS:GO.
2) Model - RedMond.
3) T-hands - RedMond.
4) CT-blue - jojokin.
5) CT green (IDF) - Flower :D.
6) CT green (camouflage) - Flower:D.
7) V88 ONLY.

If you liked this work, then be sure to write about it in the comments, and you can also increase your reputation, because I tried =)
Thank you for your attention!!!

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