AK-47 Bone Hunter

12 819 0 01/19/2022, 16:34
And again a new post, a continuation of the mini-collection with bones. A fairly simple and minimalistic implementation, which carries a rather interesting idea. Something like the finalized official collection "X-RAY". This skin has a more pleasant color scheme that blends perfectly, as well as a chic performance.

• Inspection animation, original animations, cool position, CS GO sounds.
• Collection skin, texture in 2k resolution and high quality, soft sheen.
• Let's write down the smoke and the flash for common jokes, the normal is not required here.
• The model is not adapted for all versions, since there is a ClientMod*
• Athletic Arms installed.

• Port model - Daimon.
• Skin author - RareKidz.
• Port skin, arms, shine & other - Kult.

*Clientmod is a modified version of CSS V34 that will allow you to install models from new versions, new and complete shaders, a lot of graphical and technical improvements, as well as constant updates.
Screenshots are compressed.
Enjoy your game!

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