AK-47 Relic

8 026 0 12/22/2018, 01:44

It was gathering dust in the stash, so why not throw it here? Maybe there will be interesting fittings. Not for everyone.

What are the advantages of my model?

+Inspection animation, original animations, comfortable position, CS GO sounds.
+Beautiful skin, 2k texture of good quality, good gloss.
+Additional features: normal,animated and color stattrack,smoke and flash,original shine of gloves.
+Working and practical model without bugs, adaptation to all versions.
+Moto Gloves Eclipse & Anarchist Sleeves installed.

Port model-Daimon.
Skin author- SALT.
Skin port,stattrack,FOV,adaptation & other-Saw.

If you think the material is worthy, don't forget to put + turnip.
Screenshots are very compressed.
Enjoy the rink!</span >

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