RK62M from Survarium for CSS

4 880 0 05/03/2021, 11:26
--RK62M from Survarium for css v91--
The model was made for GO version of CS, decided to port it to our css v91
I think the model will be useful..
There is a good shine as on the model itself weapons and gloves.--
Picked up a good position for 16:9 and 4:3--
Nice sounds, decent animations--
Credits :

all authors : Basildoom,CISPD,ayc,reed

(98b's words) texture:Survarium(RK62+AK12+M4+A545)

(98b's words ) CISPD made the new rilfe.
(98b's words) ayc made the new texture.

animations: reed

sounds : ???

port for css,skripts,any trifle : WinsTon

Hands : Daimon

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