MW19 | HDR

17 459 1 02/19/2022, 16:40
HDR has been ported from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 to AWP

Regular reload enabled
Works online
+Support for setting attachments at the expense of all working bones
+ Ability to change CSGO gloves and put sleeves on
+Original gunshot sounds
+World model
+DX8 support
+Inspection on R when playing on servers (default)
(Optional) reloading and getting is available only on the channel)

If you want to decompile the model to replace something in it, then remove the duplicate created after the decompilation itself - $animation which is WITHOUT FPS and then compile

Stomatolog - texture mix, glitter and initial CSGO port - CS:S backport from CSGO base
Lutzz - CSGO rig, audio mix and general help
Scobalula - creator of Call of Duty Extractor "Greyhound"
Activision, High Moon Studios, Raven Software, Beenox, Sledgehammer Games - Orig MW19 original developers

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  1. avatar
    Luciano gil   01:33, 03/29/2024
    muy buena arma me encanta sirve para v34