A set of grenades From CS2 for CSS +92

39 192 11 02/10/2024, 11:27

Authors: Stomatolog,x X, F, R, 3, N, Z, Y, M, O. V, x,Farex,Mr.Who,Valve.

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  1. avatar
    sinister issac   15:24, 03/10/2024

    Not working 😓

  2. avatar
      16:52, 03/10/2024
    Quote: sinister issac

    Not working 😓

    Как не работает
    How it doesn't work

  3. avatar
    Carrie   09:51, 03/24/2024
    Como cambio los guantes? hay programa?
  4. avatar
      10:34, 03/24/2024
    Quote: Carrie
    Como cambio los guantes? hay programa?

    Hice un post donde hay todos los guantes que puedes ver

  5. avatar
    Carrie   02:39, 03/28/2024
    sip, lo he visto, pero no se como ponerlos, la pagina con el tutorial que dejaste, no funciona, (Not found) y no puedo hacer nada, tienes algun otro tutorial o me puedes explicar como cambiarlos?, por ejemplo, descargue un arma y esa arma vino con guante, quiero cambiarseló al que yo quiero pero no se como, porfavor, si puedes, te agradeceria mucho :3Yup, I've seen it, but I don't know how to put them, the page with the tutorial that you left does not work, (Not found) and I can't do anything, do you have another tutorial or can you explain to me how to change them? For example, download a weapon and that weapon came with a glove, I want to change it to the one I want but I don't know how, please, if you can, I would appreciate it very much :3
  6. avatar
    catgamer188   12:13, 03/29/2024
    Quote: Carrie
    sip, lo he visto, pero no se como ponerlos, la pagina con el tutorial que dejaste, no funciona, (Not found) y no puedo hacer nada, tienes algun otro tutorial o me puedes explicar como cambiarlos?, por ejemplo, descargue un arma y esa arma vino con guante, quiero cambiarseló al que yo quiero pero no se como, porfavor, si puedes, te agradeceria mucho :3Yup, I've seen it, but I don't know how to put them, the page with the tutorial that you left does not work, (Not found) and I can't do anything, do you have another tutorial or can you explain to me how to change them? For example, download a weapon and that weapon came with a glove, I want to change it to the one I want but I don't know how, please, if you can, I would appreciate it very much :3

    Well, first of all find the gloves you want, you can download from ПРО100ИГРОК's post, after downloading the gloves you want, unzip the gloves you want (The glove names are in Russian so make sure to translate). After getting the exponent, texture, and normal files, open the grenades mod, go to materials>models>weapons>arms
    Now that you are in the arms folder, rename the gloves you want to the same as the gloves that are currently in the arms folder, now move the gloves you want in the arms folder and replace files. Gloves replaced :D
    (Note: This technique will not work on gloves which have extrusions, such as motorcycle gloves, bloodhound gloves etc. but will work for these types of gloves)

    1. avatar
      catgamer188   12:23, 03/29/2024

      Edit: It doesnt work for these gloves, because they are moto gloves

  7. avatar
    hiiiiii   06:27, 01/05/2025
    en que carpeta van? cstrike? tiene fallos de animacion en la carpeta csso/custom
  8. avatar
      13:15, 02/07/2025
    Quote: hiiiiii
    en que carpeta van? cstrike? tiene fallos de animacion en la carpeta csso/custom

    These grenades go to custom 
    For CSS, not for csr

  9. avatar
    P3trushe4ka   21:46, 03/17/2025
    на дисплее бомбы будет видно как набираются цифры?
    1. avatar
        15:40, 03/18/2025

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