Karambit Waves Pack [Sporty Gloves]

13 065 0 05/13/2017, 00:28
< span style="word-spacing:0px">Hello everyone, I present to you all the wave phases for karambit.
Waves is a very rare skin, so I made all its phases for you:3
Karambit Waves Phase 1
Karambit Waves Phase 2
Karambit Waves Phase 3
Karambit Waves Phase 4
Karambit Waves Ruby
Karambit Waves Sapphire
Karambit Waves Black Pearl

< span style="word-spacing:0px"> Explanations:
1) Skins - Flower:D / JustSkorp
2) Model - Gizmon51.
3) Hands - Flower:D.
4) Position - Flower:D.
5) A video is attached, it's better to watch on the channel (there with music: 3)
6) Tested on v88!!!
7) Special thanks to JustSkorp!!

Please rate my work and put + in reputation:3
I tried really hard making these skins and this pack.
I hope for your support, thanks to which I will make the following pack:3

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