M9 Bayonet Mega-Pack [Sporty Gloves]

23 529 0 05/04/2017, 14:26
Hello everyone=) I present to you a mega-pack of M9 knife bayonet with sports gloves. This is the second M9 pack, now in order:

*Added new (last ) skins.
*Updated old skins, namely:
-Marble Gradient
-Damascus Steel
*An updated Tiger Tooth skin was made ( thank you very much justskorpion147 for this).
*Added a nice sheen.
*Added video to the pack, it shows all skins + music:3 (better to watch on the channel).
*The pack is made on new gloves - Sporty Gloves Superconductor.
*The position has been changed.

This pack includes 32 skins out of 24 (yes, yes!), namely: < br /> M9 Bayonet Autotronics
M9 Bayonet African Mesh
M9 Bayonet Waves:
- Phase 1
- Phase 2
- Phase 3
- Phase 4
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Black Pearl
- Gamma Wave Phase 2
- Gamma Wave Emerald
M9 Bayonet Blue Steel
M9 Bayonet Urban Disguise
M9 Bayonet Gradient
M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel
M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth
M9 Bayonet Bloodweb
M9 Bayonet Legends
M9 Bayonet Marble Gradient
M9 Bayonet Night
M9 Bayonet Patina
M9 Bayonet Pixel Camouflage
M9 Bayonet Surface Hardening:
-20% Blue < br /> -80% Blue
M9 Bayonet Dust
M9 Bayonet Hand Painted
M9 Bayonet Soot
M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest
M9 Bayonet Kill
M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet
M9 Bayonet Black Gloss
M9 Bayonet Clear Water

-Maloff R.

*Tested on v88!
*Many thanks to justskorpion147 for helping me create the pack!
*If you like this pack, you can give me a "+" in the turnip, I tried very hard, spending a lot of effort on creating the pack and editing the video!
*Have fun:3
Show activity if you want the next big pack=)

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