Karambit Tiger Tooth [Sporty Gloves]

6 060 0 06/10/2017, 22:41
Sorry for not posting for so long, I was busy with the server:c Those who are subscribed to my channel - they'll understand later=)

This is the second of 4 updated skins that I will post. After that, I'll upload a karambit mega-pack, which will contain 2 more updated skins =)

Karambit Tiger Tooth [Sporty Gloves]

1) Skin - Flower:D.
2) Model - kspiridonov.
3) Hands - Flower:D.
4) Position - Flower:D.
5) Video attached.
6) Tested on v88!!!

I am attaching a download link from Yandex Disk, as the original link can be translated to ShareMods for Ukraine!

Have fun:3

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