M9 Bayonet Pack by Tsvetik:D

26 343 0 06/03/2016, 00:13
This pack includes absolutely all M9 Bayonet skins (18 of 18), namely:
M9 Bayonet Marble Gradient [404.00$]
M9 Bayonet Waves (7 skins ) [360.00$ - 380.00$]

-Phase 1
-Phase 2
-Phase 3
-Phase 4
-Black Pearl
M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth [$400.00]
M9 Bayonet Bloodweb [$400.00]
M9 Bayonet Kill [$411.00]
M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel [$207.00]
M9 Bayonet Urban Disguise [$280.00]
M9 Bayonet Soot [$222.00]
M9 Bayonet Forest Pixelated Camouflage [$220.00]
M9 Bayonet Surface Hardened [$260.00]
M9 Bayonet Dust Coat [$150.00]
M9 Bayonet Patina [$200.00]
M9 Bayonet African Mesh [$420.00] (I'm in shock!)
M9 Bayonet Gradient [400.00$]
M9 Bayonet Northern Forest [370.00 $]
M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet [$380.00]
M9 Bayonet Night [$400.00]
M9 Bayonet Blued Steel [$280.00]

1) All skins (18) are taken from CS:GO
2) CT's hands are blue.
3) Model - Gizmon51.

Pack created - Tsvetik:D [vk.com/id159421236]
Help creating a pack - AM? ?G?|™? ???|??? ??S?C?REAME???R?? ?ST??UD?I?O [vk.com/officialscreamergroup]

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Thank you for your attention!!!

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