Counter-Strike: Source Offensive v0.5
113 809
12/31/2020, 08:08
New Year's Eve update, friends! New agents, a menu for changing equipment (loadout which), warm-up, R8 revolver and many other things!
Full changelog:
1. NEW: R8 revolver (loadout_slot_deagle_weapon_ct; loadout_slot_deagle_weapon_t)
2. NEW: All remaining knives (except poked ones) have been added
3. NEW: New mod settings menu in the main menu: allows you to select your equipment, knives, agents without a console, as well as change some new mod settings
4. NEW: New maps: Italy, Assault, Militia, Cobblestone (partners and full), Shortnuke
5. INNOVATION: Smoke kill icon, lumbago kill icon
6. INNOVATION: Assists (Assists in killing)
7. INNOVATION: Warm-up
8. NEW: New command: mp_use_official_map_factions - if the value is above zero, then all players will play for the faction that should be on this map; otherwise, the choice of faction for players will be free
9. NEW: CS:GO sniper scope (which blurs when moving)
10. NEW: New command: closeonbuy - changes whether to close the buy menu when buying items (as in css) or do nothing (as in csgo by default); can be changed in mod settings menu
11. NEW: New commands: mp_respawn_on_death_ct & mp_respawn_on_death_t
12. NEW: CS:GO aiming commands
13. NEW: Chickens
14. NEW: Now every December and January C4 will change its appearance to the new year
15. NEW: The command bot_quota_mode has been added to the server creation menu
16. NEW: In the server creation menu, you can now select a preset server settings: Normal mode , Competitive, Companions (Companions WILL NOT change existing maps, i.e. add barriers, change spawn points, etc.)
17. CHANGE: Movement mechanics from CS:GO
18. CHANGE: Update for footstep sounds
19. CHANGE: Update player animations for buy menu
20. CHANGE: New main menu background (many thanks to Gabe Follower for it!)
21. CHANGE: Now you can skip death chamber
22. CHANGE: Automatic ban of players for killing allies (mp_autokick) is now enabled by default
23. CHANGE: Removed in-game censorship
24. FIX: Molotov particle correctly disappears when switching weapons with lit molotov
25. FIX: Molotov fire will no longer appear when it explodes in the air
26. FIX: Removed two extra buy zones on Inferno
27. FIX: Tek-9 in the buy menu now looks normal
28. FIX: Now you can't buy a grenade if you already have them max. amount (ammo_grenade_limit_total)
29. FIX: Now you can't inspect weapons when putting on/off a silencer
30. FIX: Molotov and incendiary grenade will now be correctly purchased when using the "Buy Previous" function
31. FIX: Fixed cubemaps on Inferno (pink reflections)
Mod's discord server: poke
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