CS:GO Vanilla Skin Pack for CS:S v34-92+ [No Inspect]

125 253 0 07/08/2023, 20:07

Here is a complete pack of all standard weapon skins from CS:GO for Counter-Strike: Source of any versions (Android, Steam, V34). Each model does not have an inspect animation, as many players did not like it. The skins are made with "Phoenix" terrorist gloves, plus glitter, w_models (3rd person view), convenient FOV and optimization for high FPS games.

How to install?

  • For new CSS versions: move "Phoenix Pack" folder to custom.
  • On V34: copy materials, models, scripts, sound folders from "Phoenix Pack" to cstrike.

How to remove sleeves?

All presented models support Balkan sleeves, which can be easily removed:

  • On V34: copy the materials folder from "!Remove Sleeves" to cstrike.
  • On the latest versions, including mobile: drop the "!Remove Sleeves" folder into custom.

Credits: weapons port by Daimon, video review by Emplexia.

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