UMP-45 Anarchy [StatTrack+Gloves]

9 390 0 07/26/2017, 20:48

Everyone is familiar with the beautiful skin of Kalash "Neon Revolution" from CS GO. I made UMP-45 in the same style for all CSS versions.
< span style="color:orange">No look animation, comfortable position, nice skin, good quality, CS GO sounds, StatTrack module, adaptation for all CSS versions, Sporty Gloves Bloody River.
Model port-DESP313.
The author of the skin is Coridium&Gamersbook.
The skin port and everything else-Saw.

If you like my work, put + in the turnip, don't be too lazy to put +. For you, I try .If you are interested in my work, subscribe to the channel.
Enjoy the rink!

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