Aim training css v34+
128 959
05/19/2020, 20:49
Good afternoon everyone. KSS is a game that depends very much on your reaction and quality shooting, and if you want to shoot well and understand the game, then you are here.
I want to present you the maps for aim training. All of them will help you improve your AIM and make the process of training easier.
So let's start.
? Installation:
1. Unpack the archive with the TRAINING SERVER server to any place convenient for you (Desktop).
2. Download the control config and maps "CLIENT", move them to the folder with your game css ../cstrike/ (cfg and maps).
3. Start the server via start_server.bat or srcds.exe
4. We go into the game and connect to the server through the tab "Find a server" В» "Local network".
? Note:
The server is controlled through the config.
To run the config, enter the command "exec tr" into the game console. My advice is to do this every time to improve shooting and disable bullet holes.
The map is changed from the server control panel or using a bind. We change the start map by opening start_server.bat with any test editor. Edit "+map training_reflex_old" to the name of the map that will be selected at startup.
Also, to run through a separate panel "srcds.exe" you need java from the off-site ( /en/).
If you have pink textures - you need to minimize and maximize the game window.
? Binds:
? Add a Terrorist bot.
? Add Counter-Terrorist bot.
? Kick bots.
? Restart round.
0 Weapon selection menu.
. Map selection menu.
3 Show/Hide radar.
5 Kill bots.
7 Show/Hide hits (impact).
9 Enable/Disable wallhack.
+ Increase the brightness in the game.
- Decrease the brightness in the game.
Mouse wheel click (mouse3) - noclip, flight mode.
List of maps:
-training_center_gray < br>-training_center_hg
-training_reflex_old < br>-training_reflex_remake
You can also add your own maps.
Links from Yandex disk:
Download server:
Server management config: ILv92UknxJu-Ng
Note for binds:
Author: "the same".
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