cs_compound_csgo map for CSS v91+

16 911 1 05/31/2020, 18:30

The cs_compound map was originally exclusive to Counter Strike Source. Thanks to modders, a CS:GO version of it was created, which has now been successfully ported back to source. The remake retains all the advantages of the original, and also introduces many new features. The precise choice of lighting and time of day allows you to convey the feeling that the action takes place at the end of the working day. The soft lighting adds a realism to the map and a sense of belonging to the suburbs, which was not on the original Valve map. The map is distinguished by good attention to detail, thoughtful placement and a harmonious combination of props. Sound panoramas add credibility to the setting and further enhance the feeling of an industrial complex. The new routes added are a nice touch, adding variety to the gameplay that was already more or less good on the original map. All of the above helps to give the map an authentic feeling of an industrial plant and give it the characteristic features of part of a busy city. This port contains significant design changes compared to the original, made to give more variety to the gameplay - additional routes to improve the overall balance of the map with the tunnel system used and the additional area unlocked. In addition, additional soundscapes and visual effects have been added. As well as some other changes and improvements. List of authors: iwxanthi, Nikosemen, Meurglis3

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