Butterfly knife • Dragonian

21 156 0 10/12/2021, 22:57
Well, those who follow our group in VK Hopex have already seen this material and were looking forward to it. I present one of my best works - a butterfly in a dragon style. High and high-quality relief, high-quality texture of precious metals and stones, a chic idea and simply amazing execution. That work, which is one of the best possible and will not leave anyone indifferent.

• Inspection animation, original animations, comfortable position, CS GO sounds.
• Luxurious skin, texture in 2k resolution and excellent quality, golden glitter.
• Let's write down the normal and w_model for common jokes.
• The model is not adapted for all versions, since there is a ClientMod*
• Athletic Arms installed.

• Port model - Hidari & iNSOMNiA.
• Skin author - clegfx.
• Port skin, arms, shine & other - Baron Samadi.

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