Karambit Pack by Tsvetik:D

18 699 0 05/23/2016, 15:20
This pack includes absolutely all Karambit skins from CS:GO(except Ultraviolet), namely:
Karambit Gradient [470.00$ USD]
Karambit Tiger Tooth [420.00$ USD]
Karambit Assassination [405.00$ USD]
Karambit Marble Gradient [650.00$ USD]
Karambit Waves [400.00$-450.00$ USD]
-Phase 1
-Phase 2
-Phase 3
-Phase 4

-Black Pearl
Karambit Surface Hardened [370.00$ USD]
Karambit Northern Forest [400.00$ USD]
Karambit Pixel Camouflage "Forest" [350.00$ USD]
Karambit Black [355.00$ USD]
Karambit Urban Disguise [300.00$ USD]
Karambit Damascus Steel [385.00$ USD]
Karambit Blued Steel [403.00$ USD]
Karambit Bloodweb [400.00$ USD]
Karambit Night [420.00$ USD]
Karambit African Mesh [220.00$ USD]
Karambit Patina [350.00$ USD]
Karambit Dustcoat [220.00$ USD]

1) All skins (23) are taken from CS:GO.
2) Skins - Thomson.
3) Model - Gizmon.
4) CT arms - blue.
Pak created - Flower:D [vk.com/id159421236]
Help to create a pack - AM??G?|™? ???|??? ??S?C?REAME???R?? ?ST??UD?I?O [vk.com/officialscreamergroup]

If you liked this pack, then be sure to write about it in the comments, and you can also increase your reputation!
Thank you for your attention!!!

P.S. Many people ask - for which version, all my packs will be for new versions of CSS =)

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