Knife Pack Black Laminate (T, CT-hands) by Tsvetik:D

11 641 0 06/18/2016, 13:35
List of skins included in this case:
Karambit Black Laminate
FlipKnife Black Laminate
GutKnife Black Laminate
M9 Bayonet Black Laminate
Bayonet Black Laminate

1) Everyone seems to go for v34-v88
2) Hands -
< span style="color:red">T and BLUE CT!
3) I did not specify the prices, since the case came out only yesterday and all prices are unstable and still fall down!
4) All skins are taken from CS:GO from an existing, NEW case.
5) Model - Gizmon51, Kirill Spiridonov.

If you like this work, be sure to write about it in the comments. Please put + in the turnip, I really tried, the case came out the day before yesterday, and I already did!
Thank you for your attention!!!

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