Config by Amaterasu

78 633 0 01/09/2021, 20:49

Hey guys, I've created my config!

I hope that thanks to him you will be able to improve your skill in the game :)

It has everything that can contribute to a comfortable game, namely:

  1. Jump on mouse wheel scroll down
  2. Change crosshair color to mouse wheel scroll to the top
  3. High jump, i.e. crouch jumpSPACE
  4. Quick drop bomb on V
  5. Clear the map with SHIFT
  6. Change hand placement (left/right) on keyCapsLock
  7. Clicking the mouse wheel activates voice chat
  8. Suicide with K

Also various chat binds -I,O,P, L, N.

Grenade Draw:

Z- blind grenade

X- smoke grenade

C- fragmentation

NUM Keyboard Purchase:

NUM1- buysAK47if you are TillyM4A1if you are CT.

NUM2- purchaseAWP

NUM3- buying defuses

NUM4- buy armor and helmet

NUM5- purchase of smoke and flash grenades

NUM6- buying a fragmentation grenade

NUM7- purchase of the entire set of grenades

NUM8- PurchaseDesert Eagle

NUM9- purchaseScout.

Mouse sensitivity 2.30.

Config set to 4:3 screen resolution (1024x768)

To install the config, you need to drop the file from the archive into the folder with the rest of the configs(Counter-Strike Sourcecstrikecfg)

After installing the config, you need to activate it, for this we go into the game and write in the consoleexec amaterasu.

If you find any flaws or bugs, and also have suggestions for optimizing the config, be sure to write in the comments. Ida, perhaps after each restart in the game you will need to prescribeexec amaterasuagain. p>

The file will be updated!

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