KiRieska cfg

25 002 0 04/21/2019, 01:28
In cfg there is a screen color change when shooting:
1) evil effect (turns on when you press + on the numpad)
2) disco effect (turns on when you press enter on the numpad)
3) turns off all enabled effects (button - on numpad)

In cfg there is a quick buy for almost all weapons
On numpad:
1) grenade
2) flash drive
3 )smok
4)either ak47 or mka (depending on your team)
9)either dualberes or faileven
"b" button xm1014
"x" button mp5
"h" button either tmp or mac10
button "w" scout
button "w" p90

Other binds:
1) bind to change the scope when shooting
2) button p to say ": D"
3) caps button changes hand position
4) enter button disconnects you from the server
5) high jump function from cfg taken from shock
6) pressing MOUSE3 gets flash drive
7)when pressed
8) press MOUSE5 to get a grenade
9) you can jump on the wheel)
10) press v to release a bomb
11) press z to summon a medic
12) the x button turns on the noclip

there are two types of cfg in the archive:
1) for people with a weak Internet
2) for people with a fast Internet

completely turned off all the shadows everything) I hope you enjoy my own cfg (which I've been tweaking for probably half a year: D)

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