VIP - the_voodoo

8 168 0 07/16/2020, 18:39
This is a VIP plugin for CSS that is wide in its functions. It includes all the necessary settings and how you can lure any player to get money from him. There are a lot of VIP plugins on the Internet, but we decided to post this one, as it is one of the adequate plugins.
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You can choose another skin.
Change the amount of money when spawning.
Any weapon of your choice is free.
Antiflash from allies.
Prefix [VIP] before the nickname in the chat.

Ability to always appear with a bomb.
Increased damage.
HP regeneration.
You can enable/disable the damage from your grenades.
Selecting the amount of hp when spawning.
Increasing speed.
Change of gravity.
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Installing Admin:
1. Register yourself in admins_simple.ini (Preferably SteamID)
2. Go to the server - Menu command !admin then in the menu at the very bottom Add / edit [VIP] player, then Add from the server, select the desired player from the list and the expiration date, then click “set group”, then select what to give, either a full vip, or a basic one. All in order to use the privileges, then write the command “!vip” in the chat.

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