DLC for Skin pack with Overprint Gloves for CS:S v34-92+

46 621 0 06/26/2023, 08:21

The presented pack of CS:GO weapon skins for CS:S is an addition to the inventory with Hand Wraps Overprint. Here you will find alternative models that can be installed to replace the main ones from the mod. Below is a list of all available guns:

  • CZ75 Polymer [Five-Seven/P228]
  • Dual Berettas Emerald
  • M4A4 Bullet Rain
  • M4A4 Desolate Space
  • M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 3)
  • MAG-7 Sonar [M3]
  • MP7 Teal Blossom
  • Negev Terrain
  • P2000 Handgun [USP/P228]
  • PP-Bizon Seabird [P90]
  • R8 Revolver Grip [Desert Eagle]
  • Tec-9 Avalanche [P228/Five-Seven]

If you don't like the inspect animation, you can turn it off for most skins. Instructions: install the desired weapon, open the #Remove Inspect Animation folder, select the appropriate skin and unpack the models folder into the game folder (on v34 it's cstrike, on the latest versions it's custom/WEAPON_NAME).

Credits: Daimon, INSOMNIA, Ferris4227.

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